Saturday, June 25, 2011

Conde, the guardian angel?

Wow. Where do I even start?

These last couple of days have been a bit rough. Kris never keeps anything from me when it comes to missions. So like many times before I get the "I'm going on a mission" call. But this time is different. He's feeling uneasy about it. I stay positive, we crack a couple jokes and we push on.

Since he left for this mission, I've been worried (understandably) and missing him big time. I prayed my heart out for comfort.

Lord, please soothe my heart. Give me comfort & keep him safe.

Elizabeth stayed at aunties house, so on my way to pick her up I stopped at a local Christian book store (I'm in the hunt for a new bible) and browsed. This book store has hundreds of books and as I was walking down each isle I spot one with an American Soldier on the cover. So I grab it, randomly open to a page and what I see next brings tears to my eyes.

The first words on the page were

"Sgt. Kenneth Conde"...


Of all books I could pick up, why this one? Of all names that could've been used, why his? Lord, what are you trying to tell me.

I felt comfort in seeing Conde's name. Maybe that's God's way of saying, he's okay sarah, Kenneth is watching his back.

Please be safe...the world needs you, but I need you too. I'll wait 100 years for you if I knew you'd come home safe.

For those who don't know who Conde is to us, here's the blog explaining:

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