Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Unbreakable Bond

Photo Credit: Tawny Campbell Photography (TLC Photography)
"As we were walking away, my 7 year old daughter turned back and saw this whole line of flags right off the flight line and she pointed out that the US and German flags were at half mast. I walked over to take a photo of it and noticed that as the other flags fluttered the US flag did not. The thought came to me that 'Sometimes even flags cry.'

All of the flags fluttered in the breeze but the US flag. I stood there for over 45 minutes, and it never once flew in it's glory, until the plane carrying Zach and Nick took off... then and only then did the flag finally fly, as if to bid them a farewell." -
Tawny Archibald Campbell 

March 2nd, 2011 a family's life was changed forever. Like many military families, these two families lost someone to a selfish & horrible act. Arid Uka, a radical Muslim who deliberately targets US Servicemembers, shot and killed Senior Airman Nicholas J. Alden , 25 & Airman 1st Class Zachary R. Cuddeback in Germany while these two along with other troops were on their way to deploy. (You can read the whole story at

As a military wife-to-be, I understand that fear of losing your loved one while they are deployed to an unknown country, fighting a war. But it never crosses our minds that maybe, just maybe, we could lose them before our eyes to something like this. My heart goes out to the families and I will continue to pray for them.

So, why did I decide to write about this? Well, you see, I have been a witness to some amazing things and when I look back at these amazing things, most are done by military families. When tragedy and even death come knocking at our doors we are all there to open them and to face what many people can't. Not only that, but we come together for one another, for "complete strangers". 

We decide to throw out all the branch rivalry & ranks and step up to help another military family in need. I can tell you right now why we all do that. Because when we read or hear about these sad stories each and every one of us stops and thinks...that could've been me. Because in all reality, it could have. We've all been in an airport saying our farewells (or as we affectionately call our good-byes, our "see you laters"), we've all had to sleep those sleepless nights just wondering where our loved ones are and if they're safe, we've all thought about losing them. 

I've told many people before, I do not think military families are "better" or should be held on a pedestal. But I will tell you this, I do believe we are the quickest to jump up and help "complete strangers" in need. We will send items to a family whose house burnt down or bid $50 on a $10 item just to help a family who lost a husband, father and loved one. We all do what we can and its simply breathtaking to see.

Outside looking in, people see us as strangers, but when you're standing inside this chaotic & beautiful life we call the military we are never strangers. We are friends who very quickly turn to family. We have a short time to build bonds with others because we never know when our next PCS will be, maybe even someone's EAS is coming up or *knock on wood* death. 

So here I am, writing, and thinking about all the friendships I've made and I can assure you, the bonds I've made with these "strangers" are unbreakable. 

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.

-Christopher Reeve

Rest Easy Heroes.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Life's Flavors

If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.
Eleanor Roosevelt

My life has been this crazy whirlwind these past several months and especially the last two. It's been balanced between the beauty of blessings and the anguish of hardships. I've cried and I've laughed. Boy, have I laughed. Throughout it all I have learned to embrace what I HAVE and not what I wish I had, or what I wish I could change. 

"Unpredictable" is saying the least of my life. But honestly, I would have it no other way. There are many things in my life I can not control. I learned that very quickly. As much as I love to be the "boss" of everything, I had to learn to step back and let things take it's course. If strength doesn't come from learning a lesson like that, I don't know what it comes from. 

People get so wrapped up in these fire balls of unknown that are thrown at us and let it get them down. When something comes up we have two options, to adapt and overcome or to lay down and complain why nothing is changing. 

I've been made fun of for always saying "adapt and overcome" and have gone toe to toe to explain that in EVERY situation you always have choices. And you can always overcome. Key word-YOU. Only you can pick yourself up and jump hurdles. 

Don't get me wrong, K is wonderful and has an amazing ability to make me laugh at a drop of a dime. But at the end of the day, I have to be the one to pick myself up. Because in all reality, he's not always present (thanks to the military). So if I rely on him to get me through everything then what am I to do when he's gone. I don't know about you, but I hate setting myself up for failure and that's just a big mess waiting to happen. 

K & I have always told each other that we do not NEED each other. But, gosh, do we WANT each other. And that's what I love about us. I don't need him to be strong but I want to be strong for him.  I do not need him to be beautiful but want to beautiful to him. I do not need him to be loved..but I sure do want his love. Our strength is most other couple's weakness. 

So, because of  him, upcoming deployment, my beautifully curious daughter & all the other wonders in my life I've come to learn that it's all one big ride. And damnit, I'm going to enjoy it. No matter what. 

Mark my words, I will continue to be happy despite all the changes in my life. Because in my world, my blessings outweigh the unpredictable by far. 

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.

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