Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cake In Jar Recipe: Oorah-ky Road

In the short time my husband has been deployed I have been asked "how do you make those?!" and given out many tips, recipes and instructions on making cakes in jars! I have decided to post a recipe every week till my little brain runs out. hehe I will try to make things as simple, quick and original as possible so when you make them for your loved ones you'll be the talk of the town or as my husband calls me the "COP mom" :)

Today's recipe:

Oorah-ky Road
aka. Mississippi Mud Pie

Makes: 3-4 Pint Sized Jars
Prep: 15-20 Min
Cooking Time: 35-40 Min

What do you need:
1. Pint Size Wide Mouth Jar
2. Non-Stick Spray (I prefer Pam)
3. Cookie Sheet
4. Shish Kabob Sticks (Optional)
5. Either:
           -One 7oz Jar of Marshmellow Creme (I prefer the taste of this, but it's a bit messier) 
           -Bag of Small Marshmellows
6. Betty Crocker Mississippi Mix (I will be doing an all scratch recipe soon)

(Note the missing top to my Pam Spray. You can ask my 2.5 year old where that went :-P lol)

Now let's make some goodies!

1. Pre-heat Oven to 400 degrees. (I do this first, always, because it takes a little bit to pre-heat)

2.  Prep the Jars:
- Screw top off and place both pieces of tops into boiling water (Boil for 5 minutes, take out, dry and set aside)
- Hold empty jars about a foot away and spray a very light coat of Pam Spray into jar. (I always do this over the sink so the "loose" spray will fall into the sink and not on the floor or counter)
Set the jars & tops aside

3. Mix Mississippi Mud Pie and prepare according to box. You will have a bowl of chocolate mix and a small bowl of crumb mix once done.

4. Take one jar, drop a spoon of crumb mix onto the bottom of the jar. Flatten out to make a thin "crust".

5. Pour a small amount of chocolate mix over the crumbs

6. If you bought the bag of marshmellows, just sprinkle some of them over the chocolate mix to make a layer of marshmellows over it.


if you have the marshmellow creme, dump a spoon full onto chocolate mix. It will not flatten to a layer, but that's okay! (Actually makes it look very cool!)

TIP: When pouring any ingredients into the jar, get as little as possible on the sides of the jar. If it does, take a paper towel and wipe clean. 

7. Repeat steps 4,5 & 6 till you reach the middle of the jar. Normally, you'll just repeat them once (unless you are using a larger jar)

Tip: When possible, "end" with the crumbs on top! If marshmellows are on top when cooking, they harden and make eating unpleasant ;) 

My uncooked jar. Yes, I cleaned it off before cooking ;) 

8. Place jars onto a cookie sheet (or tin pie pan as shown in picture) and into the oven they go!

9. Cook for 35 min. Check by poking center of jar with a shish kabob stick all the way to the bottom. If done, it'll come off fairly "clean" (meaning no goopy mix will be on it) 

If it's not done, keep in for 5 more minutes and keep checking till done.

10. Once done, pull jars out and immediately place the tops onto the jars and tighten. 

TIP: I use a bath/hand towel to tighten. Oven mittens do not give you enough grip to tighten as well.

11. Place jars with lids onto the oven and wait. :) You might even hear the *POP* sound while they're sealing.

You'll notice if you use the Marshmellow Creme, it Puffs out to the top, that's perfectly okay and makes it taste nice and fluffy!

Once cooled, you can decorate as you please and you're done! 

Photo of another jar I finished. MCRDelight. Just an example of how you can decorate it. Even tie on a plastic spoon for convenience!

I have sent TONS to my husband and buddies overseas. The shipping takes 5-6 weeks to get to them. I've only had one break (it was one of my first) and all stay nice and fresh! The only complaint I've had was the ones that have added food coloring. So if you're shipping time is long, stay away from food coloring :)

Enjoy!! Keep an eye out for more to come!

Next up: Cherry Point Pie

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